Saturday, December 17, 2005





Daily Prayers - 8.

Author: Cunha Simões

Translator: José Patrício

Setting-up und Impression
Excels, Lda.
Fax: 249 891 397
Apartado 128
2384-909 Alcanena

Legal Deposit no. 210549/04
ISBN no. 972-8832-20-6

Copyright: Fernando José Corte-Real Cunha Simões

Saint is all that who practices of good in this life.


Saint Alexandrine is only case, all over the world, of somebody that passes 13 following years only feeding of the Sacred Sacrament.
What is humanly impossible wasn't for Alexandrine because she was fed by the Body of the Christ in the consecrated Host. This fact, followed by the medical community of the time was reason of wonder and object of many studies. The truth is that God do what he wants, where he wants and with whom he wants. The explanation could not be in the scientific field, but in the mystic field.
Already in 1942, in the year in that she stopped feeding, she asked the Pope Pious XII. to consecrate the world to Maria's Immaculate Heart, which this did on October 31, 1942.
For all that happens with Alexandrine Maria da Costa and for all the miracles that are attributed to her was time of seeing her on the altars, what now happens that her visible face turns known of the millions of believers that seek in the faith the refuge for their anxieties and comfort.
Alexandrine Maria da Costa was born on March 30, 1904 and she died on October 13, 1955.


Your singular and natural purity,
Alexandrine, did that God chose you
As Jesus' white Rose
And so to suffragate
Him and in any way stimulate
All their sufferings in the cross.
During all the years you lived,
By Jesus, everything you suffered
For the world and sinners redemption.
At this time and as gratitude
Of how much we want and we love You
Wanted Alexandrine, we're praying to You.


Give me patience Alexandrine sacred
To comprehend who I don't realize
And a lot of times I don't recognize
Because I hear and I stand
Who doesn't say anything worthwhile.
I waste excused time hearing
What I don't want and I lose patience. Por
Only You can understand this idea,
And thus I ask you to tell me
What should I do for not sinning
When I lose the phlegm and menace
And chase the idiot with the mace.


My pains only are so big
That I cannot compares them to Yours,
My dear little saint of Balasar.
Therefore I appeal to You that understand
How a sinner's suffering
Is a lot of times lasting
Than suffering for God's love.
Help me to support them, Alexandrine,
So that I feel the power of the sky
Travelling Your body
That I give you today to help it out.


My nerves are not going anything well
My dear saint Alexandrine.
And if it wasn't thinking so much in You
Very worse of the nerves I would feel,
But with your support and resignation
I contain the nerves with firmness
So that they don't lose my head
And say gear without link or loveliness.
The free words are as the stones
That after they deflect the hand
It is never known who will reach.
Please help me to serene the nerves.


Please my dear saint Alexandrine
Do that my body is fit
And never a lot of sicknesses
That don't let I live joyfully.
You know very well, my darling:
Without fine health, no breathing
But Yours staunched to Christ.
Yet I have kids to tame.
Think on me and my family
My tiny holy critter of Balasar.
Act so my body picks up its health.
I’ll be grateful my saint.


I am being hit by fevers, Alexandrine,
And though I resort to the doctors
They insist on not wanting to low down
And I sense myself lack of forces and burning
As if I was almost dying
With no one to help out me.
Excuse me, my beloved Alexandrine,
I know that Your sufferings were immense,
But I don't have Your blessedness
Suffering for God and men’s sake.
Please, Alexandrine, quiet this brazier.


My dear saint Alexandrine,
I sometimes worry about the others’ life
And I forget to take care of mine
That so much turns has to bestow
And is always very uneasy.
I think that I waste too much time
With subjects that aren’t concern of mine
And it is for that reason, for that way,
That I always attain the end of the day
Since ever with nothing to be seen.
Help me, my darling Alexandrine,
To fret only with my life


When we know that this life is transient,
That we brought nothing and that nothing we carry,
And sometimes much we worry
And we are even very violent
For a worthless earth scrap
And that can serve the whole community.
I am like this too, Alexandrine.
You that tilled the fields as a lass
Know that the earth is only valuable for the society
That cohesive builds and lives a better world.
Help me to understand life, Alexandrine
And to take out the greed
That dims my understanding.


My prized saint Alexandrine
You that so many miracles operate,
Please move away every one that envies me
The fruit of a lot of work and tiredness
That during a full life
Produced what have and it remains over.
But I feel that the shadow of the jealousy
Tries to do that I don't get to enjoy
Whatever I got saying this labour ahoy.
Help me my precious little blessed
And do that who envies me, of envy rolls up
And his thought turns in such a soft way
That all the evil to attain me reaches him.


The intrigue is the reason of great angers
And of the separation of a lot of families.
Saint Alexandrine of Balasar
When felt that somebody intrigued
Immediately ordered him to pray
To immaculate Virgin Mary
That never in her life nor only one day
Left that the intrigue in her home entered.
Alexandrine exhorted all
That the words should be measure
And of our mouth our largest treasure.
Help me, saint Alexandrine, to hold the language.


Alexandrine didn't support the lie
Of who had to fake to be justified
That the things had been like this.
Alexandrine, with a lot of patience,
And without never to want to hurt who tried to deceive
The truth to defend a falsehood
Gave the example of Jesus Christ
Who never deceived his pursuers.
Only lies who speaks too much.
Who doesn't have a lot to say, invents.
Help me, Alexandrine saint never to lie.


Saint Alexandrine, the drug destroys me
And I don't know how to defend me.
Everything has I been doing to secure the family,
But the fertile imagination of the addicted
Leads to be sorry for the poor fellow
And so let me destroy too.
Please, Alexandrine saint help me.
Give me a small hint
As I can influencing that brains,
That disturbed mind
To make understand him
That his fate is the death without fortune.
Help me, please, Alexandrine saint.


Life has a group of rules to carry on And are them that build the happiness.
The excesses taken in speed
Are the source of the disease and of the lameness
That hinders the body of running.
You, Alexandrine saint of Balasar,
That advised moderation to all
In the attitudes in each instant
Carry out that all are conscious
That, in this world, any carelessness
Can call for a life of sadness.
Help me, saint Alexandrine, to have moderation.


I know that who wants the evil of somebody
And tries to imply committed clangers,
Sooner or later will come to undergo
Of the same evil that to another sought after.
You, my wanted Alexandrine,
Whose mouth never another indicted,
You know that this bad understanding
Is fruit of the afflict souls
That for they are badly loved
Mean that the others must come up to the same.
Protect me, Alexandrine, from whom wants me badly
And teach the wicked souls to love.


When in the fields I labour with the cows
And in the swamps I soak the boots
I always think of You dear Alexandrine.
You lived this bliss too
Of talking with these sluggish “ siblings”
That day after day, without a moan,
Help us to fertilize the earth.
It is for them that I ask for Your blessing,
Your support and your aid
So that they are always in the pink
And in such pleasant moments of effort
Where we feel the connection of the earth- Sky
Live a Christ’s love equal to Yours.


In spite of the tasks in the fields
You knew how to benefit of the schoolwork
As it is it that can give us
The life and knowledge comprehension.
The understanding of life and knowledge.
You was well the example, saint Alexandrine,
Of how we should proceed to realize
Freely what the Lord determined us.
Only who is going to the school gets free
Of the ignorance that is much worse than the blindness.
The ignoramus sees everything in the same way
Because he doesn't know how to ratiocinate.
Thank you Alexandrine saint for your care
In sayings that the study is more important
Than to work in the fields or to take care of the cattle.


My precious saint Alexandrine
Help me in my dealing.
Give me only a little bit of your strength
In order to find the way
And how I should develop it with knowing.
You, excuse me, honey, to do this request.
But life is so knotty
That sometimes for a petty thing
Everything gets lost because we don't know how to operate.
Excuse me, my love. But I believe You
And I have faith that I will win with your help.


For the life to run with no problems,
My dear saint Alexandrine,
We should not decide the things swiftly.
I only realized that
When you sank until me
And locked me the desire to decide instantly
Without meditating in the pros and cons
Which that stern attitude could bring me.
From this moment,
Either important subjects or not,
I sound out your sacred heart first
And I’ll decide later on only.


The love to the neighbour was your aim,
The way that always led Your faith, My darling saint Alexandrine.
The life doesn't have another meaning
If we don't love the other indifferently
Of the colour of his skin, his race or his people.
The love to the neighbour means help
When help is wanted by the neighbour too.
On that moments we take Christ's form
According to your words and teachings
And we help the other in his bad moments.
Infuses in me, Alexandrine, this charity.


My dear saint Alexandrine
Now and then the reminiscences of the past
Depressed me in such a way
That I feel a great shame
Of whatsoever I was able to do
And without never take in
That I was to wrong, that it was proceeding badly.
Please, saint Alexandrine,
Quench from my memory these recollections
So that I don't live in torment.
Help me my beloved little saint.


My dear saint Alexandrine
Who thinks in your suffering
Doesn't think as You lived it with gladness
And to everyone that visited you you relieved
With words of great love and empathy.
You lived in eternalness with Christ
And of him you irradiated all the energy
That amazed those who encircled you.
Still today all feel
That the more we think of you
More force and satisfaction engage us. Enter us, saint Alexandrine,
And give us high spirits.


My dear saint Alexandrine
You that had so much time to learn
And to comprehend, not only in the sacred books,
You Understand that unawareness
Is the fruit of inexperience and reading lack.
It is to find a needle in dark night.
The ignorance is the mother of all mistakes.
And Christ that taught doctors at seven years
Comes with that example all to motivate
To the reading and the study constant.
Please, prized Alexandrine
Give me understanding for everything to comprehend.


Do that I hear my parents' advices
Dear saint Alexandrine.
Do that I listen with attention
Since they have the life experience
And they know the difficulties they overtook.
But, you see, I listen in preference my friends
Who are as inexperienced as I am
And that only say things for saying
Without they never are sure of what will happen
Because they are not who will suffer the consequences.
Of all my improvidences.
Please, Alexandrine, do so I know how to hear.





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Telephone: 249 881 397

Fax: 249 891 128

Letter: Cunha Simões

Apartado 128

2384-909 Alcanena

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